Learn How To Dominate ANY Niche
Using Only Google Properties!

Dominate Using Google To Rank In Google!!! 

In the video below you will see the Ranking Factory (RF) software creating a Google site from scratch. The Google site is actually only one small cog in the RF stacking system. (you will see more about stacking later)

This module was chosen as it is probably the most well known of all the Google properties that RF works with. 

Stacking Genius #1 Ranking Tool

Let your imagination wonder...

"What could I rank for by using ALL these Google properties to rank my sites or videos?"

YOU can see from the image above the massive amount of Google love that will be created to drive your designated property to the top of the SERPS.


But HOW Do They Help You???

Ranking Factory includes a host of utilities and strategies that we will not reveal here, which all add to authority (juice) that gets passed at every stage, ever upwards.

The authority (Google Juice) that these Google properties pass simply cannot be replicated using other properties such as PBNs!

Notice also the Secret Sauce icons in blue. You will learn much more about the workings of this incredible machine on our webinar.

In short the RF system leverages the power of Google.com itself to pass Google's authority from site to site, increasing all the time as the juice moves ever upward through the silo until it reaches your money website or video.

RF additionally utilizes a system known as double stacking to exponentially ramp up the juice. This powerful technique is also something you will learn on the webinar.

The double stacking method of linking each of the Google properties that RF creates enables you to rank your money sites, money videos and the Google properties themselves in a very short space of time!

 NO Black Hat Techniques Are Employed!

This is a proven system that will enable you to do the work once. The beauty of the RF system is that you can run multiple campaigns until you do dominate your niches!

Once the Google sites get to page one they stay there. We have sites and videos that have been outranking major directory sites for over two years!

The fact that you don't have to "babysit" your rankings every week or month, leaves you free to create other money making opportunities. Once they hit the front pages, they stay there.

I'll let you in on a secret we have discovered.

Google doesn't penalize Google...

That is the real power once you will have at your disposal!

One Ranking Factory campaign will create hundreds or even thousands of links.  All of these links are all kept within the Google family, passing more powerful juice than any aged site or PBN is capable of passing.

Ranking Factory gives you the ability to build powerful and legal networks on demand. 

John Currie Calls The System "Domination On Demand"

how can we help

See What The Beta Testers Have Achieved


From Polash SK, Bangladesh:


Peter JordanI first learned about the SEO power of leveraging Google drive stacks (i.e Google Sites, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms,etc)
nearly three years ago and -- like many at the time -- was skeptical and considered it unworthy of any serious attention.

Since then, however, I heard of others (many of whom I respected) who claimed to have had great success using this very strategy to improve the rankings for their client's videos and websites.

When John Currie, Gary Affron and Pat Tuttle invited me recently to be part of their beta group for Rank Factory, I just couldn't refuse, as it was a perfect opportunity to see if this seemingly crazy -- and mostly ignored strategy -- had any merit.

All I can say, it became apparent within a week of using their automated software that is does! I fully tested this by running more than a half-dozen local video campaigns in the dental niche and found nearly all of the vids for low to medium competition keywords ranking almost immediately on the first page of google -- most in the 1st or 2nd position.

More surprising was that more than a few of the vids for the most competitive kws were also on page 1 -- and all accomplished without any additional back linking.

I can testify to the fact that after a month of implementing this strategy that the majority of these rankings have stuck like glue -- something I have never experienced in the past with any other marketing campaigns I have conducted.

Peter Jordan
New Jersey
Realtor and Video Pro



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